Strengths-based, asset-based approaches
The Conference venue and most of your accommodation – The Center for Social and Responsible Business (CSRB)
Bala Vikasa Center (BVCSRB)
Rampally Dayara, Outer Ring Road
Hyderabad, Telangona, India – 501 301
Conference Attendees Include
Academics, Practitioners, Research Scholars and Students from social work, psychology, HR and management, occupational therapy, physiotherapy, public health, social sciences, political science, public administration, Business management, Information technology Artificial intelligence and Futurology.
Practitioners especially from the Human Resource (HR) and Management practice, Government, policymakers, allied health managers, medical administrators, hospital & nursing home managers, NDIS and disability work colleagues from social workers, Allied health workers, and managers of public systems and community work.
Developing Countries US$250
SAARC Nations Indian Rupees 4000.00
Developed Countries US$350
An Invoice with instructions to pay into account/ by credit card/ direct bank transfer payment, Google Pay /PayPal / etc. will be sent to you.
Please email to:
Send your Name and Email/ University/ Agency/ Designation.
Country of Citizenship and Country from where you will be travelling:
Category of Participation:
Invited Speaker/ Chair/ Presenter- Paper/Presenter- Poster/ Discussant/ Research Scholar/ Student (Undergraduate) / Post graduate)
Accommodation advice: Hotels / Balavikasa Campus / Twin share only / Dormitory/ (first cum first served)
The Conference accommodation on campus costs would be advised.
Abstract of 350 words attached / Submission date by 30 September, 2023 Late abstracts will be considered within reason.
Themes in the conference
The conference topic anticipates humanity’s future after the COVID-19 epidemic. It investigates the role of all human services in making the world a better place.
This conference relies on intrinsic abilities that people use in their rehabilitation as they rebuild hope from shattered pieces.
The conference allows for creative and innovative thinking, as well as the exploration of out-of-the-box solutions for a lively, resilient, and hopeful future.
The conference will focus on three simple questions:
(1) What worked for us prior to the pandemic?
(2) Where have we fallen short?
(3) what appears to be a pathway now and for the future?
The conference discussions should, hopefully, centre on the fundamental alterations required for social change engagement and goals.
Crisis-induced collaborative creativity, innovation, and transformation that we have all seen provides great narratives.
COVID-19 has surprised everyone. It has devastated global health, society, and economy. Most countries enforced face masks, social distancing, and border closures. An opportunity therefore for us to undertake an -depth review of the pandemic response: Specifically, in all our societies what worked? What is that we need to improve? Or invent?
Information technology, privacy, ethics, robots, Artificial intelligence (AI) Population, habitat, and migration need more work. The pandemic impacted on educational system, resulting in increased use of technology in schools, colleges and universities moving to online and hybrid models. Curriculum Development and Innovation
What has changed? what requires changes as a result of new educational policies? privatisation of universities, internationalisation? What priority areas do you envisage for the future?
Field placements and study around Internal displacements, refugees from neighboring countries, Community development focus. Interdisciplinary focus in early child hood education, youth, ageing sector and disabilities sector. Children and their rights, the girl child, Child welfare challenges and response, Gender issues, Work Life balance (WLB), and LGBTQI issues. Renewed emphasis on conservation of nature, Hybrid field educational methodologies, Human services entrepreneurship case studies and private practice are just some of the areas that we can think of. You might perceive something different, innovative and creative that you wish to share.
How did your discipline respond?
Each of us has a professional background behind us. As Academics from social work, psychology, occupational therapy, physiotherapy, public health, social sciences, political science, public administration, Information technology Artificial intelligence and Futurology.
Practitioners from the Government, policymakers, allied health managers, medical administrators, hospitals; superintendents, nursing home managers, NDIS and disability work colleagues from social workers, allied health workers, and managers of public systems and community work.
Allied health practice seemed to have had distinct COVID-19 difficulties and opportunities.
Tele-health seems to be emerging as a potential solution for healthcare systems that are already overburdened and looking for ways to increase clinical volume while lowering costs, was put to the test during the pandemic and emerged with little resistance.
Entrepreneurial social activism
Social entrepreneurship is a prosocial motivation leading to a prosocial favourable social consequences. What have noticed around you during the pandemic brought about? new adaptations> New social arrangements?
In what ways have corporations and social entrepreneurs come to embrace one another’s resources in order to address societal issues? When making personal protective equipment (PPE) like plastic shields and ventilators, etc., how did private companies overcome their self-interest and come up with solutions that benefited the public good, regardless of the reasons that drove them in the beginning?
Distillers of all sizes and in a number of countries came forwards and made the transition from producing whisky to producing and distributing hand sanitizer at prices that were lower than their costs. On a similar note has private practice in social work and allied health respond in this area? What experiences can we share with each other?
Refugee issues:
Millions of people forced to flee their homes. Success stories. Policy and Practice and Coping and Resilience Best practice narratives. The Rohingya in Asia, The Pemba Community in Kenya and the Lhotsampa from Bhutan and others in Asia.
Millions of people forced to flee their homes.
Climate Change
- Do you see that people care more about the environment now than before? or they are more focused on their own well-being, and rising costs of living. Can ‘awe’ change our perception of self and open us to new possibilities and even help save the planet?
Spiritual Focus
What seems to have changed due to the pandemic? Is there a noticeable change in spiritual outlook? What instinctive survivalist attitudes are people showing to each other?
Arts, social media and human services and Psychology
The opportunities for interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary focus is tremendous. if you have a poster, a short movie, a review, a street play production, a song and a multimedia innovation, please bring along. isues
Best Paper and Poster Awards
All attendees are assumed to enter the contest unless the conference is informed otherwise.
The awards are offered in the following categories:
(1) Professionals,
(2) Academics,
(3) JRF awards,
(4) Student/Undergraduate, and
(5) Postgraduate awards.
The awards include a return of conference registration fees and a cash award to cover travel expenses.”
Publications: In addition to the Abstracts Book, select papers will be commissioned with a reputed publishing house and released.
The Conference guarantees select Post-Conference Publications of blind peer-refereed papers and mentored papers in a range of pre-negotiated Journals across the world. These publications are naturally included in Scopus, UGC- India list, Erihplus, Web of Science, Pub Med SJR, DOAJ, ProQuest, Open Access, SJR, ISSN Portal, Scilit, Google Abstracts, Copernicus, ERA- Australia, Google Scholar, and others.
Media Note: It is assumed that participants accept the recording of the conference, including digital media for post-conference display, unless the conference is informed otherwise.
The Principal Organisers
The Brisbane Institute
Since its foundation, the Institute has provided meaningful and inexpensive conference and training programs that bring together NGOs, governments, private and corporate sectors, international organizations, universities, and research institutes to debate ideas to improve Australia and the world. The institute believes in breaking silos and brings together social work and human services educators and practitioners to listen, co-present with allied health colleagues, and use transdisciplinary and interdisciplinary methodologies.
Since 2010, Griffith University has been our Australian and international community partner, while James Cook University has collaborated twice.
Dr. Venkat Pulla founded the Institute in 2006 to assist the spread of strengths-based practices and self-reliance. Social work, psychology, media, accountancy, and digital art specialists form the board. The true partners of the institute are its participants and benefactors. We’ve collaborated with strengths-based psychiatry, social sciences, human services, biology, neuro-sciences, pure sciences, Aboriginal people’s development, education, and management professionals and laypeople.
Participants from all over the world have found our conferences and training meaningful, as the dialogue and journey promoted at these events boost resilient practices and hope.
Bala Vikasa
Bala Vikasa is one of India’s leading nonprofits, known for its innovative, multi-sectoral, high-impact, and sustainable development interventions aimed at achieving an equitable and just society for all. It was founded by Singareddy Bala Theresa Gingras and her husband, André Gingras, a career diplomat with CIDA (Canadian International Development Agency). Bala Vikasa is widely regarded as a Development Innovator committed to Community-Driven Development.
Its programs focus on Safe Water, Food Security, Water Conservation, WASH (Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene), Women Empowerment, Widow Emancipation, Quality Education, Model Communities, and Humanitarian Relief. Over the past 30 years, these programs have positively impacted over 10 million rural poor in more than 7,000 villages spanning 8 South-Central states.
Balavikasa amplifies social change by strengthening the global development practice through training programs and advisory services for global nonprofits, civil society organizations, academia, and CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) practitioners. These initiatives are facilitated through the People Development Training Center.
Additionally, Balavikasa fosters symbiotic alliances between businesses and civil society to achieve the highest social impact through the Bala Vikasa Center for Social and Responsible Business.
Conference Logistics
Good Universe, founded in 2015, is a pioneer in the fields of Gender, Health, and Climate Change. It promotes constructive social change and drives sustainable development with humility and a strong belief in transformative potential. Its diverse team of specialists, all holding PhDs in their respective fields, collaborates with a variety of stakeholders to build evidence-based practices and strategic collaborations with individuals and agencies.
Notably, their Project Hibiscus provides underprivileged women and girls with menstrual hygiene products and promotes sustainable menstruation. Good Universe’s commitment to community learning drives its efforts to create a more equitable, resilient, and sustainable world.
The organization strives to make a difference with common goals and a compassionate approach to people and the environment. All aspects of the conference are graciously looked after by Good Universe pro bono.
Welcoming Local and Global Partnerships
A conference of this nature run by volunteers requires assistance in terms of several conference costs.
These include bringing excellent grass-root speakers from the rest of the world, please write to either